Haryana Chief Minister, Manohar Lal Khattar said that the 2.5 crore people of Haryana have every right over the land and it is the responsibility of the State Government to protect it. For this purpose, the Haryana Recovery of Damages to Property during Disturbance to Public Order Bill, 2021 was passed in the Vidhan Sabha today.
The Chief Minister was interacting with media persons today after the end of the Vidhan Sabha budget session.
He said that this law should have been made long ago. He said that it is the responsibility of the State Government to protect the property of the state, whether it is private or government. He said that no one benefits from the loss of property, in fact the loss of property leads to economic loss. He said that in a democracy everyone has the right to speak and protest peacefully, but no one has the right to damage property. He said that this bill will determine the responsibility of those who damage property as well as ensure compensation to the victim.
In response to a question Sh. Manohar Lal clarified that this bill has nothing to do with the agitating farmers presently. He said that it is necessary to instill fear in the minds of those who damage property and this is our constitutional legal system.
In response to a question asked by media persons in the context of the current budget session, he said that this session was special among the others during the tenure of six and a half years.
While regarding the same, the leaders of opposition Bhupender Singh Hooda took on the ruling faction saying that the bill has been brought in force to threaten the commuters and farmers. The government is leaving no stone unturned to increase the problems of farmers. Even, such laws to punish those spreading violence and chaos are in force already then there is no need of bringing such laws in existence.
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