Dame Maggie Smith, the renowned actress celebrated for her exceptional talent, passed away on Friday at the age of 89 in a London hospital. Smith, who won an Academy Award for her role in The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (1969), gained renewed acclaim in the 21st century for her roles as the dowager Countess of Grantham in Downton Abbey and Professor Minerva McGonagall in the Harry Potter films.
Smith’s sons, Chris Larkin and Toby Stephens, confirmed her passing in a statement, expressing their devastation at the loss of their extraordinary mother and grandmother. “She leaves two sons and five loving grandchildren who are devastated by the loss,” they said through publicist Clair Dobbs.
Frequently regarded as one of the foremost British actresses of her generation alongside luminaries such as Vanessa Redgrave and Judi Dench, Smith’s illustrious career was marked by numerous accolades. In addition to her Oscar for best actress, she won a BAFTA award for The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie. She also received a supporting actress Oscar for her performance in California Suite (1978), further solidifying her status as a cinematic icon.
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