Bollywood actor Suniel Shetty on Tuesday, shared a special post for his wife Mana Shetty on her birthday. Athiya and Ahan also wished their mother.
Taking to Instagram, Suniel shared an adorable picture with his wife from Athiya’s wedding ceremony. Sharing the picture, he wrote, “Happy happy birthday wife.”
Athitya took to her Insta story and shared a video with her mother walking hand-in-hand with backdrop of motion floral paintings.
Sharing the video, she wrote, “Happy birthday to my sunshine and my greatest strength. I love you, mama. Thank you for everything you are.”
Ahan dropped a picture with his mom and wrote, “Happy birthday Mom.”
After a long courtship, Suniel and Mana tied the knot on December 25, 1991, and welcomed their first child Athiya in 1992 and their second child Ahan Shetty in 1996.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Suniel was recently seen in the Amazon Mini Tv series ‘Hunter’. If the reports are to be believed, then actors Akshay Kumar and Suniel Shetty will be seen as the lead cast of ‘Welcome 3’.
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