KOLKATA: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday expressed grief over the demise of ace filmmaker and poet Buddhadeb Dasgupta.“Anguished by the demise of Shri Buddhadeb Dasgupta. His diverse works struck a chord with all sections of society. He was also an eminent thinker and poet. My thoughts are with his family and several admirers in this time of grief. Om Shanti, a tweet read on the official Twitter account of PM Modi. As per reports, Buddhadeb Dasgupta died at the age of 77 early this morning. He was suffering from ailments related to his kidney.

West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has called his death a ‘great loss’ for the Indian film industry. “Saddened at the passing away of eminent filmmaker Buddhadeb Dasgupta. Through his works, he infused lyricism into the language of cinema,” she tweeted. “His death comes as a great loss for the film fraternity. Condolences to his family, colleagues and admirers,” she added.

Paying condolences to Buddhadeb Dasgupta’s family, President of India Ram Nath Kovind tweeted, “Buddhadeb Dasgupta enriched our arts and culture with his world-renowned films as well as poetry – both animated by a heartfelt lyricism. In his passing away, we have lost an extraordinary artist. My condolences to the bereaved family.” The National award-winning director had helmed movies like ‘Dooratwa’, ‘Grihajuddha’ and ‘Andhi Gali’, bringing the elements of Naxalite movement on the screen. He had won National Award five times in his career. ‘Anwar Ka Ajab Kissa’ was one of his famous Hindi features.


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