The show ‘Kyun Utthe Dil Chod Aaye’ is set in the pre-partition era in the year 1947, the show traces the journey of three young women. It is produced by Shashi Sumeet Productions. The show features Gracy Bitin Goswami as Amrit Sahni, Anchal Sahu as Vashma, and Pranali Rathod as Radha. The leading ladies Gracy, Anchal, Pranali and producer Shashi spoke exclusively with The Daily Guardian and shared their shooting experience. Writer-producer Shashi Mittal says, “It is heartening to see months of research and hard work coming to life with ‘Kyun Utthe Dil Chhod Aaye’. It is a unique show which will reflect the deepest and most endearing emotions through the narrative of the three young women protagonists.” Gracy says, “The show has a simple and subtle narrative but it addresses some hard issues that are relevant even today. I am proud to take on this role of a woman with progressive mind and dares to dream.”
Anchal shares a sneak peek of her character, “Vashma is courageous for her time, she is outspoken, and passionate. I am looking forward to the audience reaction.” Pranali says, “To essay Radha’s character was quite challenging. It is interesting to play a girl who leads an oppressed life and struggles for survival at first but these very experiences of life make her more aware of her rights.”
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