On Wednesday, the government advised citizens to wear masks in public spaces amid rising cases of Covid-19 in China.”This is all the more important for people with comorbidities or those of higher age,” NITI Aayog member VK Paul said after Union Health Minister’s meeting on COVID-19. “There is no change about aviation as of now,” he added.
South African authorities rescued 246 survivors and recovered 78 bodies from an illegal gold mine.…
Fianna Fail leader Micheal Martin is set to reclaim Ireland’s premiership under a new coalition…
Nelle Diala's viral twerking video led to her firing from Alaska Airlines. Defending her actions…
Israel has sent a team of five fire protection experts to assist in combating the…
France and India are set to co-chair the "Summit for Action on Artificial Intelligence" in…
Mark Carney, 59, will run for the Liberal Party leadership following Justin Trudeau's resignation. With…