In a groundbreaking initiative, the Maharashtra government has joined forces with nine descendants of prominent Maratha chieftains and warriors from the era of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. Alongside other Maratha sardars closely linked to the warrior king, this collaboration aims to identify and document historical structures, including “wadas,” associated with these families across the state.
The committee, comprised of heirs such as Kanhoji Naik-Jedhe Deshmukh, Krushnaji Bandal Deshmukh, Raigad fort chief engineer Hiroji Indulkar, Ramchandra Pant Amatya (finance minister to Shivaji Maharaj), army chieftain Kondaji Farjand, and others, will play a pivotal role in the conservation effort.
Dr. Tejas Garge, director of the state directorate of archaeology and museums, explained that the descendants are integral members of a committee formed to conserve historical wadas and weapons associated with the lineage connected to Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. This lineage played a crucial role in the formation of Maharashtra and Swaraj.
Garge highlighted the committee’s responsibilities, stating, “It will guide the inventorying and documentation of historical structures related to Maratha chieftains, warriors, and other figures who closely collaborated with Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. Additionally, it will compile a comprehensive list of historical artifacts and antiquities currently held by the descendants, supporting preservation efforts through digitization and archival endeavors.”
He further outlined future plans, including developing preservation and conservation strategies for wadas through public-private partnerships (PPP) and establishing an integrated museum within wadas to showcase Maratha dynasty-related documents. Universities will be engaged in the documentation process, with considerations for the conservation of wadas owned by these families, subject to necessary permissions.
Sachin Joshi, an archaeologist from Deccan College, emphasized the importance of documenting and preserving artifacts such as coins, Modi-script documents, weapons, and other items held by the descendants. Many times, historical documents in Modi script face destruction due to termite infestation, and the initiative seeks to address this issue while also addressing the dilapidated state of many associated wadas.
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