Bollywood actor Govinda’s son Yashvardhan Ahuja had a narrow escape when he met with a car accident on Wednesday night. The driver of another car, coming from the opposite wrong side of the road, rammed the vehicle into Ahuja’s car in the Juhu area at around 8:30 pm on the night of 24 June.
The vehicle that hit Ahuja’s car belonged to a big film company’s owner. Govinda also reached there soon after the incident. It is being said that the company owner sent a person on the spot to apologise to Govinda. Due to the accident, Govinda’s son suffered a lot of damage to his car. An NC (non-cognizable) has been registered in the Juhu police station.
After the incident, people close to Govinda have started raising several questions: Was this car accident a conspiracy? Was it done on purpose to harm Ahuja?
Reports said that two years ago, Govinda had spoken about and opposed alleged nepotism in the film world and now, after the death of Sushant Singh Rajput, that old video of Govinda has become viral again. Hence, there is speculation that Govinda’s son’s car accident is a “thoughtful conspiracy”.
On 15 August 2005, Govinda’s entire family had a big road accident in Ajmer in which the entire family suffered serious injuries and Govinda’s close aid Rishabh Jha died. Many questions also arose at that time. Govinda was an MP from the Congress at that time.
The Daily Guardian spoke to Govinda over the phone on Thursday. The actor said: “Yes, it is true that since yesterday, the news of my son Yashvardhan’s car accident is going viral on social media. I want to say that he is completely fine and healthy. It is being said that people from that film company came to my house and apologised for this accident; I want to say that those claims are completely false. Nobody came to our house. The matter was resolved on the spot itself. Accidents can happen to anyone.”
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