While price of silver witnesses a dip of Rs.1.30 in India on Monday, the price of gold dipped to Rs.25. According to Goodreturns website, 22k gold was priced at Rs.4,760 per gramme while 24K gold was available for Rs.5,193 per grammes.Goodreturns website stated that last month, the price of 22k gold stood at Rs.46,650 while that of 24k gold was Rs.50,900 on 30 September, 2022. In Delhi, the price of 22k gold stood at Rs.47,750 while that of 24k gold was at Rs.52,100. On the other hand, the price of 22k gold in Mumbai was worth Rs.47,600 while 24k gold could be bought at Rs.51,930.On the other hand, price of 10 gms of silver cost Rs.595 on Monday, down from Sunday’s rate of Rs.608. In Delhi and Mumbai, 10 gms of gold was worth Rs.595. In Chennai, 10 gms of gold was priced at Rs.648.
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