Morphology and Climate Change Directorate of Central Water Commission monitors glaciers of Indian terrains and neighbouring countries. This is to foresee and monitor the high elevation of glaciers basins and flash floods caused by the outburst of glacial lakes— Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF). 209 glacial lakes and water bodies were monitored in June 2021 and it is found that 75 glacial lakes’ water spread is increased by 20 to 40 percent. Hence, these lakes may affect Ladakh, Himachal Pradesh, Bihar, Arunachal Pradesh, and Assam.

Ajay Kumar, the key Researcher and Director of Morphology, says “Such lakes are also formed due to landslides. Satellite remote sensing-based mapping and monitoring of the glacial lakes and water bodies, covering the Indian Himalayan region, was taken up for analysis in June 2021 and comparison with the inventory year of 2009.

Based on the current inventory, 415 glacial lakes and water bodies with a water spread area of more than 50 ha are monitored. Apart from this, another 62 glacial lakes and water bodies with water spread area in the range 44 to 50 ha also have been monitored.”