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Girl with rare nail disease successfully undergone multiple operations at AIIMS

Manisha a Nayapur resident and daughter of Manish Kumar and Nutan’s suffered from a rare disease from the time she was born. From the time of birth, the nails of her fingers and toes were half red. After three months the nails became black and hard. Tried to cut it with a nail cutter but […]

Girl with rare nail disease successfully undergone multiple operations at AIIMS

Manisha a Nayapur resident and daughter of Manish Kumar and Nutan’s suffered from a rare disease from the time she was born. From the time of birth, the nails of her fingers and toes were half red. After three months the nails became black and hard. Tried to cut it with a nail cutter but it didn’t work. When doctors were consulted in Kota, they did not understand the problem. The medicines prescribed caused blisters.

Whenever the daughter went out, people would taunt the innocent girl by looking at her nails. It was her friends in school who used to call her with words that would shock the heart. she could neither hold a pen nor do any work. Because of her nails. Then the parents met Speaker Om Birla to seek help in getting the disability certificate made. He said that I should get my daughter treated. Treatment took place in AIIMS for two years and today the daughter is moving towards recovery.

At the age of four, Manisha was shown to Ahmedabad. Treatment continued there for many years but there was no benefit. When there was a financial problem, the parents stopped going to Ahmedabad. Meanwhile, when the daughter started going to school, no one befriended her there. She was mocked and called out names. It caused a lot of pain to her as she was not able to understand anything. As she grew older, it became difficult for him to hold a pen and do other small tasks because of his nails. On someone’s advice, after meeting the Speaker Birla in May 2022 regarding Manisha so that her daughter’s disability certificate can be prepared so that she can get help in her treatment. As soon as he saw Manisha, Birla said that his daughter is not disabled. Will get it treated.

More than 15 operations in two years
On the instructions of Speaker Birla, his office made arrangements for Manisha’s treatment at Delhi AIIMS. AIIMS doctors also took this case as an experiment. First the operation was done on the smallest finger of the right hand. The operation was successful and the nail did not grow back. In such a situation, operations on other fingers were done. But problems arose again in many fingers. In such a situation, operations on some fingers were done two to three times.

Nails could not be cut even with saw and machine
Due to excessive production of a particular type of protein in the body, Manisha’s nails became black and hard. These were so hard that they could not be cut even with a saw. Doctors in Delhi AIIMS tried to cut nails with a machine. The nail of one finger got cut a little. But due to pain in the other side, Manisha became worse.
