In Chandigarh, a disturbing case has surfaced where an individual allegedly installed a hidden camera in a shared bathroom to capture inappropriate photos and videos of fellow female residents. Responding to a complaint, the police have apprehended the accused girl and her boyfriend. Both of their phones have been confiscated and sent to the CFSL lab for analysis. The lab’s report will shed light on the extent of the videos created by the accused. The police are actively investigating the distribution or sharing of these explicit materials. The incident was reported when a victim discovered the hidden camera in the PG bathroom, leading to a prompt police response. The PG in question, located on the top floor of Sector-22, housed five girls who shared the same bathroom. The accused girl, allegedly acting under the instruction of her boyfriend Amit Handa from Sector-20, now faces charges under sections 354 C of IPC, 509, and 66 of the IT Act. The police are committed to a thorough investigation into this invasive breach of privacy.
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