A teaser of Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s highly anticipated film ‘Gangubai Kathiawadi’ starring Alia Bhatt was dropped on Wednesday, that is on director’s 58th birthday. The film based on one of the chapters of noted author S Hussain Zaidi’s book ‘Mafia Queens of Mumbai’ also stars Ajay Devgn in a special appearance. The one-minute-thirty-second-long teaser by Sanjay, famed for his grand cinema, shows Alia in a never-seen-before avatar as she portrays an eponymous character in the flick. The teaser opens with a dialogue that says, “They say…nights in Kamathipura are always moonlit because Gangu lives there!”
The teaser is set in a theme where the 27-year-old Gangubai Kothewali, a brothel owner and matriarch from Kathiawad, who had no choice but to embrace the ways of destiny and swing it in her favour. She transforms from a brothel queen to a politician.
Through the enthralling video, viewers are introduced to Alia’s character ‘Gangu’ who’s a boss woman. She looks promising and it’s safe to say that her fans are in for a visual treat.
Dressed in traditional sarees and sporting long hairstyles, the ‘Student of the Year’ actress has aced the look of a Gujarati woman with kohl-rimmed eyes and bold red bindi completing the look. The teaser showcases Alia in a catchy dialogue: “Live with dignity. Never fear anyone. Neither police, nor MLA, or Minister or any bloody pimp…Nobody!” and the rising crescendo of a thrumming soundtrack.
The makers have announced the theatrical release date of the film on 30 July 2021. The film marks Sanjay’s first collaboration with Alia. This project will also see Bhansali Productions collaborating with Jayantilal Gada’s Pen India Limited.
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