Dharmendra took to his official Twitter handle and shared a video of the Deol siblings posing for the cameras at the screening of Gadar 2. The senior actor used the song Apne To Apne Hote Hain from his film Apne in the background of the video. Along with the video, he wrote, “Friends love you all for making Gadar 2 a big success……Togetherness a great blessing.”
Here’s what Dharmendra tweeted
Earlier, Sunny Deol’s younger son Rajveer Deol took to his official Instagram handle and shared a throwback picture with his father. The star kid also penned a note after the mindblowing response that Gadar 2 has received. In the caption of his post, he wrote, “You’re the institution we look up to. The honesty, passion, and dedication with which you work are reflected in the response #Gadar2 has been garnering. Once a Superstar, always a Superstar. It’s time to celebrate my superhero, my DAD.”
Take a look at Rajveer Deol’s Instagram post
Stay tuned for more such news.
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