In a loot case that has been ongoing for four months, Chandigarh Police Sub-Inspector Navin Phogat surrendered in court on Friday. Inspector Phogat and his accomplices Constable Varinder and Shiv Kumar had allegedly looted one crore and one lakh rupees from businessman Sanjay Goyal in Bhatinda, under the pretext of exchanging two thousand rupee notes. After taking the money, the police officer took the businessman to a secluded place, threatened him with encounters and drug-related cases, and warned him of ruining his life. The police department had also dismissed him in connection with this case. He had been on the run for the past four months, with the police continuously searching for him. After not receiving relief, he surrendered in court on Friday. The police took him into custody for three days of remand. He will be presented in court on November 27. A case of loot was registered against Navin Phogat at the Sector 39 police station in Chandigarh based on a complaint from Sanjay Goyal. The police attempted to arrest the accused Navin Kumar during the investigation, but he has been evading arrest since then. The accused had filed a bail plea in the lower court, and a timely and appropriate response was given, leading to the rejection of his interim bail. Additionally, the accused knocked on the doors of the Punjab and Haryana High Court for interim bail, which was also rejected. Raids were conducted at his suspected locations, and the process of taking action against the PIO was also initiated. Three other accused in the case, Shiv Kumar, Varinder Singh, and Rajinder Singh Gill, had already been arrested.
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