CHANDIGARH: After defeating ex-CM Charanjit singh Channi from his seat Bhadaur, Aam Aadmi Party MLA Labh Singh Ugoke is again in limelight. This time he is been invited as Chief Guest in the same school, where he studied and his mom used to work as Sanitation worker. Ugoke has studied in the same government school in the village. There his mother works as a sweeper.
This 35-year-old AAP MLA on reserved SC seat Bhadur was invited to cut the ribbon in a ceremony in the Government school where he himself studied. The real charm of the story is that his mother Baldev Kaur is still working as a sweeper in the school on a contractual basis.
Ugoke who used to repair mobile phones and had shop there at Bhadaur said he has not changed. He said, “Mother Baldev Kaur’s income was the biggest income source for us earlier. Our house used to run on her earnings. Now there is no pressure of earning on the mother. I get MLA’s salary and wife also earns money by sewing. If the mother wants to continue the work, then my status of being an MLA will not deter her work. When I became an MLA, my mother said she I would continue with her work, and I had no objection.”
Like MLA Ugoke, his mother Baldev Kaur is also happy with her work. She told that she has no qualms in continuing her job despite her son is an MLA. She definitely demands from the government that they should pay attention to the contractual employees working for a long time. She said that her son became MLA today but not every mother is as lucky as she is.
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