Four children drowned in a pond formed by rainwater accumulation near the Yamuna Expressway in Agra, Uttar Pradesh, on Sunday morning, as reported by the police. According to officials, a family of nine went to play near the pond near Khandauli town when the tragedy unfolded. Eight children and one woman entered the pond for a bath and began to drown. Local residents responded to their cries for help and initiated a rescue effort.

“While playing, all nine family members started drowning. We were able to safely rescue four children and one woman,” said Nitin Upadhyay, a local resident.

Agra ACP Sukanya Sharma stated that they received information about the incident in the morning and dispatched a team to the site.

“This morning, the family went to the rainwater pond and drowned. We received information that a family of nine had drowned, and four children were confirmed dead. Five people were successfully rescued alive by the rescue team,” ACP Sharma reported.

“We are further looking into the incident,” she added.

Further details are awaited.