CHANDIGARH: A Mohali court on Tuesday rejected the bail plea of former Punjab DGP Sumedh Singh Saini in the alleged kidnapping and disappearance of Balwant Singh Multani, son of a former IAS officer. Saini now has the option of moving the high court. It may be noted that Sumedh Singh Saini and six other police officers were booked in a 29-year-old case of the alleged kidnapping and disappearance of Balwant Singh Multani. The case was registered at Matuar Police Station in Mohali on 6 May. Balwant Singh Multani’s brother, Palwinder Singh Multani, filed the case on the basis of a fresh application. It was registered under Sections 364 (kidnapping or abduction in order to murder), 201 (causing disappearance of evidence), 344 (wrongful confinement), 330 (voluntarily causing hurt to exhort confession) and 120 (B) (criminal conspiracy). Recently, section 302 of IPC was also added in the case. It was alleged that Multani was picked up by police after a terrorist attack on Saini, when the latter was SSP of Chandigarh in 1991. Balwant Multani along with others was booked for the attack.
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