The Cyber Crime team of the police station arrested a foreign suspect in Delhi. The arrested individual was identified as Chijoba Chrysanthemum, residing on the 1st Floor near Kuber Building, Maidan Gharib, South Delhi, aged 38 years, and of Nigerian nationality. Committing fraud of Rs 39,33,333 in 03 different bank accounts under the guise of a cancer medicines business, the accused failed to deliver the promised raw materials. Chijoba Crescentus, a resident of Chandigarh, arrived in India on September 1, 2019, on a medical visa which expired on November 19, 2019. However, he did not return to his country, staying in India illegally and falsifying arrival and departure stamps on a fake visa passport. The accused misled the police and was found in possession of two mobile phones.
Providing information, Inspector Ranjit Singh, SHO Cyber Crime, Chandigarh, mentioned that the accused engaged in cyber fraud while staying in India illegally. The fraudsters contacted victims through Instagram/Facebook for business. In this case, resident Kamlesh Kumar filed a complaint. In the complaint, he stated that he met a woman named Sara Anna on Facebook, who claimed to be a pharmacist dealing in cancer medicines. She mentioned importing raw material from Russia for 5800 pounds per 500 grams, while the same material is available in India for Rs. 2300 per 500 grams. A person named Ajay Enterprises Pvt., located at National Highway 222, Dirang, Arunachal Pradesh, was introduced as the manufacturer of this material, and a deal was supposedly made for Rs 2300 per 500 grams.
Sara Anna convinced the complainant to collaborate with her, promising profits in the ratio of 60 percent and 40 percent. The deal involved communication with Ajay Enterprises.
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