As cinema halls gear up for a cautious reopening amid the ongoing pandemic, actor R. Madhavan feels, given the current scenario, releasing a new film on a streaming platform is a blessing. Madhavan’s latest, the thriller ‘Nishabdham’, is all set to arrive on an OTT platform. “There is no denying the fact that theatres have a different charm, but during these times having a film released on OTT is a complete blessing,” said Madhavan. “OTT platforms are much more comforting and easier for the fans to access, especially under the current circumstances. They don’t have any geographical or physical boundaries attached to them. People can watch any film from the comfort of their home anytime they want,” he added. He also feels that through OTT, many artistes are getting a chance to put out their talent and entertain the audience, due to which “content is getting much more opportunities.”
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