Mumbai: Actor Farhan Akhtar’s most anticipated film, ‘Toofaan’, is scheduled to release on July 16. The upcoming sports drama is getting a digital release on Amazon Prime Video. Announcing the same, Farhan on Wednesday took to his official Instagram account and wrote: “With humility, love and in dedication to the fighting spirit of the beautiful people of our nation, our film ‘Toofaan’ will be releasing on July 16th. #ToofaanOnPrime.”
Filmmaker Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra has helmed ‘Toofaan’, which is set against the backdrop of boxing and revolves around the character of Farhan who plays the role of a boxer in the film. Actors Paresh Rawal and Mrunal Thakur are also a part of the movie.
While announcing the release date of ‘Toofaan’, Farhan has also unveiled a new poster of his look from the movie. In the poster, Farhan can be seen standing in a boxing ring flaunting his chiseled body. ‘Toofan’ is backed by Ritesh Sidhwani, Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra and Farhan.
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