The family of Lance Naik Mukesh Kumar, who sacrificed his life for the country, has received a financial aid package of 50 lakh rupees from the Rajasthan government. In a ceremony held today, District Collector Sitaram Jat handed over a 50 lakh rupees cheque to Mukesh Kumar’s mother Santosh Devi. Additionally, free bus passes for Rajasthan Roadways buses have been provided to the martyr’s parents, and Mukesh Kumar’s younger brother, Ramdhan Lakhara, has been offered a compassionate government job.
It should be noted that Lance Naik Mukesh Kumar lost his life on September 18, 2022, during Operation Rakshak while patrolling the LOC in the Machhal sector of Jammu and Kashmir. Following his sacrifice, the Rajasthan government immediately provided financial aid of 5 lakh rupees as well as a 45 lakh rupees financial package to the soldier’s family. During this occasion, a 50 lakh rupees cheque was handed over to the martyr’s mother by the District Collector.
Collector Sitaram Jat said, “In situations like war or war-like scenarios where soldiers lay down their lives, the Rajasthan government provides an economic package of 50 lakh rupees to the families of martyrs. If a martyr’s dependent family does not accept land in lieu and demands a financial package, the government offers an additional 25 lakh rupees in exchange. This means that a total of 50 lakh rupees is provided as financial assistance to the families of martyrs. In addition, one person from the martyr’s family is also given a government job.”
He further added, “If a martyr is unmarried, his brother or sister can also be offered a compassionate government job. Under this provision, Lance Naik Mukesh Kumar’s family has received a 50 lakh rupees financial package, and his brother has been provided with a government job.”
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