On December 1, the Noida police arrested three individuals in connection with a disturbing gang-rape incident that transpired in June 2023. The victim, aged 26, was allegedly sexually assaulted under the pretext of a job opportunity and later blackmailed, prompting her to file a complaint on December 30. Two suspects, Ravi and Mehmi, are currently evading arrest.
The arrested individuals have been identified as Ravi, Azad, Vikas, Rajkumar, and Mehmi. According to the Noida police, “On the basis of the complaint given by a victim aged 26 years at Noida Police Station Sector 39 on December 30, 2023, a case has been registered against five accused in the gang rape incident in the name of providing a job. In the course of the investigation, a medical examination of the victim was done within 24 hours. The statement of the victim under section 161 and section 164 of CrPC was recorded before the Hon’ble Court.”
The police further stated that, based on the available evidence, a dedicated team was formed, resulting in the arrest of three of the accused, namely Rajkumar, Azad, and Vikas from Gautam Buddha Nagar. Efforts are ongoing to apprehend the remaining suspects, Ravi and Mehmi. The victim refrained from reporting the incident immediately due to fear, but the accused continued to blackmail her. The victim eventually came forward on December 30, 2023, at Noida Police Station No. 39.
Taking swift legal action, Noida police officials arrested the three individuals and presented them before the court.
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