A work fraud allegedly forced 28 Tamil Nadu residents to tally the trains’ arrivals and departures at the New Delhi Railway Station for a month. It was explained to the job candidates that this was a requirement for the training of TTEs, traffic assistants, and clerks. They were cheated of 2.67 crores which they paid as “training fees”.
Jair Bolsonaro’s passport remains seized as he faces coup-related charges. His attempt to attend Trump’s…
A group of Russian diplomats infiltrated a private section of UK Parliament during a tour,…
World Chess Champion Gukesh thanked the nation after being conferred with the Khel Ratna award,…
The AICF hosted a grand ceremony in New Delhi to honor chess icons D Gukesh,…
Bayrou's government narrowly avoids collapse after surviving a no-confidence vote. Political instability continues as he…
Thousands of Ukrainians are submitting claims through the new Register of Damages system, seeking compensation…