On Monday, the Delhi High Court is expected to rule on the temporary bail request made by the former deputy chief minister of Delhi, Manish Sisodia, on the basis of his wife’s health. The bench of Justice Dinesh Kumar Sharma on Saturday after noting down the submissions held during the special hearing, kept the order reserved while seeking a fresh medical report from LNJP hospital where Sisodia’s wife was admitted on Saturday morning. ED’s Counsel Zohaib Hossain on Saturday submitted a report in relation to Sisodia’s wife’s medical issue and opposed his interim bail plea.
Advocate Zohaib submitted that the earlier prescription report and the present prescription report are identically the same. There is no substantial change in her health.
Sisodia held 18 portfolios as a minister and did not have time to visit his wife. Now he is creating all these grounds to get bail.
Advocate Zohaib Hossain also informed the Court that documents related to excise policy has been removed from the vigilance secretary’s office on the day of the Supreme Court verdict on services and an FIR concerning the removal of documents has been filed and the incident is being probed.
Senior Advocate Mohit Mathur appeared for Sisodia and submitted that Sisodia is the sole caretaker of her wife as his only son is studying abroad.
On ED’s submissions that Sisodia held 18 portfolios, it doesn’t means he didn’t take care of his wife. We also work very hard sometimes we start working from early day to late night, but it doesn’t mean, we are not caretakers, we don’t go to our home and do not care about our family.
On Friday, the Delhi High Court had allowed former Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia to meet his ailing wife in police custody on June 3, between 10 am to 5 pm as per rule.
Former Delhi Deputy Chief Minister and AAP leader Manish Sisodia who was brought to his residence on Saturday were not able to meet his ailing wife as she got admitted to LNJP hospital ahead of Sisodia’s arrival.
Sisodia recently moved an interim bail citing his wife’s illness and sought six weeks’ bail.
On Friday, Delhi HC while allowing Manish Sisodia to meet his wife under custody said, “He (Manish Sisodia) shall not interact with media, use a mobile phone or access the internet.”
The court had further directed that the medical report be verified and the medical report of Sisodia’s wife be furnished by Saturday evening positively.
The Court in order further added that Sisodia will not meet anyone except family members during this period.
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