The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) National Convener and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has made a big announcement to provide Rs 1,000 per month in the account of every woman in Punjab as part of an empowerment scheme for women. Addressing a gathering of women at the “Kejriwal di teeji guarantee, Mahilavan nu vadhaiyan” programme in Moga on Monday, Arvind Kejriwal said that the Aam Aadmi Party would form the government in Punjab in 2022 and Rs 1,000 monthly will be given with guarantee to all women above 18 years of age by the AAP government.
Kejriwal, who is on a two-day visit to Punjab, launched the “Mission Punjab” programme for the 2022 Assembly elections with this unique announcement. He was accompanied by party state president and MP Bhagwant Mann on the stage.
Addressing the women gathered at the venue, Kejriwal said, “As soon as the AAP government is formed, every daughter above 18 years, sister, mother, daughter-in-law, mother-in-law and grandmother will get Rs 1,000 per month in their accounts. I guarantee it. I have made this decision very thoughtfully and with full calculation, because what Kejriwal says, he does. The government of Delhi and the people of Delhi are witness to this.”
Kejriwal said, “No doubt, Rs 1,000 is not a huge amount, but with the support of the AAP government, all the mothers and sisters will really get strength and self-respect, because money is very important in everyone’s life.” He clarified, “This Rs 1,000 to be received by each woman will be different from the monthly old age pension, widow pension, disability pension or dependency pension already received by the women. Similarly, if there are women in a family above 18 years of age including daughter, daughter-in-law, mother-in-law or grandmother; they will all get Rs 1,000 each.”
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