Actress Esha Deol, who recently announced her separation from husband Bharat Takhtani, shared an uplifting Instagram post. Esha’s latest Instagram photo features a selfie taken inside a car. Accompanying the image is a motivational caption: “No matter how dark it gets, the sun will rise,” followed by a sun and yellow heart emoji. The hashtags include “sunshine,” “sunrise,” and “gratitude,” along with a black heart and eye emoji.
The couple, married since June 2012 and parents of two daughters Radhya and Miraya, had disclosed their split through a joint statement two weeks ago. Esha Deol and Bharat Takhtani issued a joint statement about their separation, emphasizing their commitment to the well-being of their two children. On the professional front, Esha Deol was last seen in the film Ek Duaa.
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