During the COVID period, Rs 4,000 crore were spent, and after the revelation of major scams, the ED is investigating and suspects the involvement of a prominent political figure behind this entire scam. The ED has been conducting a week-long investigation into the Rs 4,000 crore expenditure, and on Thursday, a raid was conducted at the KK Grande flat in Chembur, which is closely associated with Aditya Thackeray, the son of Uddhav Thackeray, and Suraj Chavan, the Secretary of Shiv Sena.
The ED is scrutinising the expenses incurred during the COVID period by theBMC (Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation). The focus of the investigation by the ED revolves around Uddhav Thackeray, Shiv Sena Secretary, and Aditya Thackeray’s close friend Suraj Chavan. After questioning Suraj Chavan for 9 hours at the South Mumbai Ballard Estate ED office, significant information was obtained.
The ED’s investigation has also revealed the involvement of middlemen on a large scale in this case. The Daily Guardian has learned that prominent political figures, middlemen, and distributors have also been implicated. The ED wanted to know from Suraj Chavan, after hours of investigation, who is the political mastermind behind such a huge scam, as Suraj, without holding any official position, had influence over BMC’s decisions.
The ED has also expedited the investigation into the money trail in this case, where funds were withdrawn through shell companies. Suraj’s involvement raises questions about which political figure influenced him to participate in BMC’s decisions. The ED is also investigating the money trail and where the cash has been stashed.
The ED is also seeking information about the 4 flats from Chavan, suspecting that these flats belong to him. Ganpati Chavan has denied having any information about the 2 flats. While he admits accepting the flats, he claims they were acquired through loans, although sources state that there are no loan-related documents with Chavan.
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