Railway officials said that as of Tuesday morning, 19 trains headed for Delhi were operating behind schedule because of heavy fog that was impacting a large portion of North India, including the nation’s capital, and severely reducing visibility. Trains like as the Puri-Delhi Express, Bhubaneswar-Delhi Rajdhani Express, Dibrugarh-Delhi Rajdhani Express, Howrah-Delhi Rajdhani Express, and Jammu Tawi-Delhi Express are among those that are impacted.
Other trains experiencing delays due to the inclement weather include the Rewa-Anand Vihar Terminal, Bhagalpur-Anandvihar Express, Banaras-Delhi Express, Chennai-Delhi Express, Hyderabad-Delhi Express, and the Ranikamlapati-Hazrat Nizamuddin Express. Additionally, the Jammu Tawi-Ajmer Express, Delhi-Rajendra Nagar Terminal Express, Jabalpur-Hazrat Nizamuddin Express, Delhi-Sealdah Rajdhani, Delhi-Moga Express, Delhi-Mumbai Central Rajdhani, and the Nizamuddin-Bengaluru Rajdhani Express were also affected.
Passengers at the New Delhi Railway Station faced delays and disruptions, while flight operations at the Delhi airport were also impacted by the thick fog. The airport issued an advisory, warning that flights not meeting CAT III (Category III) standards might encounter disturbances during landings and take-offs. Passengers were advised to contact airlines for updated flight information.
The prevailing dense fog has disrupted flight services throughout the month, causing visibility issues. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) had predicted fog across various parts of the national capital on Tuesday. The situation has affected both rail and air traffic, with delays reported in several trains and flights. Similar disruptions were observed on Monday due to fog and cold weather in Delhi.
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