In a major success, the Jammu and Kashmir police has cracked the Hariya Chak drone dropping incident in Kathua and arrested terror associates Faisel Muneer and Habib, working with Pakistan-based terror handler to receive weapons consignments dropped via drone from across the international border. At a press conference, ADG Police Jammu Mukesh Singh said, “Joint teams of Kathua Police, Jammu Police and Special Operation Group apprehended many suspects on the basis of technical analysis. The police team subsequently zeroed in on one person, namely Habib. During further questioning, he admitted his role as receiver of multiple consignments of arms and ammunition dropped via drones controlled by Pakistan. He is part of an illegal terror-associate network and was motivated by Faisal Muneer. He was working on his directions.”
“During interrogation, Habib disclosed that the consignments received by him were further carried to Jammu by him and delivered to different persons at different locations, on the directions of Faisal.
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