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  • Dr. L. C. Ranga bestowed with ‘Distinguished Veterinarian Award-2024′

Dr. L. C. Ranga bestowed with ‘Distinguished Veterinarian Award-2024′

Indian Association for Advancement of Veterinary Research (IAAVR) conferred ‘Distinguished Veterinarian Award-2024’ upon Dr. Lal Chand Ranga, Director General, Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Government of Haryana during 24th Indian Veterinary Congress, 31st Annual Conference of IAAVR and National Symposium on “Livestock Health and Poultry: A Paradigm Change to Maximize Productivity for Sustainable Farmer’s […]

Dr. L. C. Ranga bestowed with ‘Distinguished Veterinarian Award-2024′

Indian Association for Advancement of Veterinary Research (IAAVR) conferred
‘Distinguished Veterinarian Award-2024’ upon Dr. Lal Chand Ranga, Director General, Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Government of Haryana during 24th Indian Veterinary Congress, 31st Annual Conference of IAAVR and National Symposium on “Livestock Health and Poultry: A Paradigm Change to Maximize Productivity for Sustainable Farmer’s Livelihood” organized at Lala Lajpat Rai

University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (LUVAS), Hisar (Haryana) from 7 to 8 February 2024 in the gracious presence of Dr. R.C. Agrawal, Deputy Director (Agricultural Education) ICAR New Delhi; Dr. Manoj Nesari, Advisor (Ayurveda), Ministry of Ayurveda, Government of India and Prof.

(Dr.) Vinod Kumar Verma, Worthy Vice-Chancellor of LUVAS Hisar. Dr. Ranga is a Veterinary Gynaecologist having doctorate degree. Dr. Ranga was conferred this award for his meritorious contributions in the area of animal reproduction and commanding leadership at various administrative positions. Dr. Ranga has started his career as Veterinary officer in Rajasthan Government in the year 1995. He joined as Veterinary Surgeon in Haryana Government in the year 1997. He was appointed as Deputy Director by Haryana Public Service Commission in the year 2004. Afterwards he worked as Chief Superintendent Government Livestock Farm Hisar, Chief Coordinator Frozen Semen Technology, Deputy Director Sheep Breeding Farm Hisar, Institute Director Haryana Veterinary Vaccine Institute (HVVI). Dr. Ranga was appointed as Director Central Sheep Breeding Farm (CSBF) Hisar through Union Public Service Commission in the year 2017.

He served the CSBF for two years and later appointed as Officer on Special Duty (OSD), Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Government of Haryana and Managing Director, Haryana Livestock Development Board. Dr Ranga has published several research articles in referred journals of national and international repute. He has one patent in his credit that is “Green fodder cum salt block feeder for sheep and goat”. This stall feeder is for sheep and goat and is under patent property rights. He has also designed estrus synchronization protocols for sheep and assessed accuracy of real time B-Mode ultrasonography for early pregnancy diagnosis in sheep. He has reported embryonic mortality in sheep under farm conditions. He has also recorded development dimensions of testes and accessory sex glands through ultrasonography in developing Murrah buffalo males from the age of six to thirty months during his doctorate degree.
