The Delhi Metro Corporation (DMRC) announced that from Friday onward it will offer bus services to anyone wishing to visit India Gate and the new Central Vista, with these buses being made available at Bhairon Road.

“The buses being used were all electric and will be picking up visitors from Bhairon Road and dropping them off at gate number 1 of the National Stadium C-hexagon, from where the India Gate and Central Vista can be accessed on foot,” DMRC said.

DMRC also said that this facility will be available initially for a week and may be extended further, based on demand.

“A total of six buses will be operating on the route. “These buses will be available for visitors from 5PM onwards and the last pick-up will be at 9PM,” said Anuj Dayal, principal executive director, Corporate Communications, DMRC.

On Friday at 7 pm, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will reopen Central Vista Avenue, and the public will be allowed access to the area starting at 8:45 pm.

The Central Vista is bordered by green grass, 16.5KM of red granite sidewalks, renovated canals, restored and polished facades, public amenities, designated vending zones, and signage.

The renowned section of road is getting a major revamp as well, with new pedestrian underpasses, better parking places, new exhibition panels, and increased night lighting, among many other improvements.