Disha Patani and Mouni Roy were recently spotted hanging out at a plush restaurant in town. The video of the duo was shared by popular Bollywood paparazzi Viral Bhayani on Instagram. Mouni looked hot in hues of pink. On the other hand, Disha looked ravishing in shades of green and blue. Reacting to the viral video, one of the Instagram users wrote, “Both are gorgeous.”
Check out the viral video below
Meanwhile, on the professional front, Mouni was last seen in Brahmastra. She will next be seen in Bole Chudiyan. It is directed by Shamas Siddiqui and is ready to release in October this year. The film will also feature Nawazuddin Siddiqui as the lead and it is produced by Kiran Bhatia and Rajesh Bhatia. On the other hand, Disha recently dropped a music video starring her Kyun Karu Fikar. The actress will next be seen in Yodha with Sidharth Malhotra and Raashii Khanna. Apart from this, she has Kalki 2898 AD with Deepika Padukone, Amitabh Bachchan and Prabhas
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