Bollywood actress Disha Patani surprised everyone announcing her debut as a director for her upcoming song, ‘Kyun Karu Fikar’. Dropping her first look, she wrote, “If you let go of the things you can’t control, it will probably set you free ‘Kyun Karun Fikar’ Sharing a sneak peek to our special project on 16th August 2023 on @playdmfofficial official YouTube channel.”
In the poster, we see Disha Patani looking carefree and enjoying the soothing waves at the beach. Disha is wearing denim shorts with a turquoise blue top.
Have a look
Reacting to the same, one of the Instagram users wrote, “Can’t wait.” Another wrote, “Congratulations For Direction Debut.” A third user wrote, “yayyyyyy….finallyyyy.” A fourth user wrote, “eagerly waiting for this.” Another commented, “so proud of you.” Many dropped heart emojis in the comments section.
This is a developing copy.
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