Filmmaker Karan Johar recently shared a rare post on Instagram expressing his disappointment with a TV show promo. He mentioned seeing a comedian imitating him in a way that he didn’t appreciate, without specifically mentioning the show, the comedian, or the channel. It’s speculated that he might be referring to the promo for Madness Machaenge, featuring Kettan Singh. Now, the comedian has responded to Karan’s criticism.
On Instagram, Karan Johar shared his disappointment after watching a promo for a reality comedy show on a reputed channel with his mom. He observed a comedian mimicking him in a way he found distasteful. Karan expressed that while he anticipates such behavior from anonymous trolls, witnessing it from within the industry, after being a part of it for over 25 years, is disheartening. He noted that rather than anger, it evoked a sense of sadness in him.
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