Maharashtra’s Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis visited the pilgrimage city of Pushkar. Before reaching the temple, he arrived at Pushkar Heliport via a special aircraft. Local legislator Suresh Singh Rawat, Member of Parliament Bhagirath Choudhary, along with BJP activists, welcomed him by presenting garlands. Subsequently, amid tight security, he visited the Jagat Pita Brahma Temple and performed a special prayer. During interactions with journalists at the temple, he stated that the BJP would form the government in Rajasthan with an absolute majority. Also present on this occasion were BJP State President CP Joshi and National Secretary and State In-charge Vijay Rahatkar, along with a significant number of BJP leaders. Upon reaching the Brahma Temple, the temple committee’s secretary, SDM Nikhil Poddar, and priest Krishna Gopal Vashishth welcomed Fadnavis with garlands and offered him a shawl. They also presented him with a picture of Lord Brahma.
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