CHANDIGARH: Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh on Thursday approved detailed guidelines for shooting of films/music videos during Unlock-2 period in the state, with restriction of 50 persons at the shooting venue, along with strict adherence to other Covid safety protocols. Rupinder Singh `Gippy Grewal’, Ranjit Bawa and Gurpeet Ghuggi had pointed out on Wednesday that even though the Chief Minister had last month announced resumption of shooting in the state, the absence of clearly defined guidelines was making it difficult for them to resume work, which had been completely suspended during the lockdown period. The guidelines further stipulate that the duration of shooting should be restricted to minimum possible time and not more than 50 persons should be present. Shooting would commence only after all the persons involved are thermally scanned and found asymptomatic.The shooting venue should have sanitizers or soap and water and the members present should frequently wash their hands.
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