Delhi police have arrested two youths, including a 19-year-old school boy, in a snatching case after they stole a cellphone from a girl standing roadside in Gulabh Bagh area. The accused were riding on the motorcycle and were immediately caught by police after a chase.
As the girl was setting her location in her phone, the duo came on a scooty and snatched the device. The motorcycle patrolling team was passing through the same place and they heard the screams of the victim. The police team noticed the incident and swiftly swung into action. Finally, both the suspects were overpowered along with a Scooty after a chase of around one km.
The accused, Gaurav Soni (19), is a habitual and desperate criminal who has been previously found involved in two cases of snatching registered at PS Rajender Nagar. He is pursuing class 10+2 from the School of Open Learning.
Another accused Mihir Monu is a school dropout having studied up to the 11th standard and is unemployed. “Both fell in bad company and started committing street crimes,” the police said.
“Keeping in view, the regular directions of senior officers regarding the checking of criminals to curb the street crime, police presence has been increased in the beat area of PS Gulabi Bagh by regular area patrolling and conducting random picket checking during odd hours to surprise the criminals. PS Gulabi Bagh staff has also been directed for maximum use of “roko-toko” strategy of Delhi Police,” police statement read.
The press release read, “Upon personal search of the accused persons, the snatched mobile phone was recovered from their possession. In the meantime, the lady who was raising alarm and chasing the culprits also reached there and identified both of the accused persons and recognised her snatched mobile phone. The lady stated that both these persons have snatched her mobile phone and they were escaping from the spot.
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