The Economic Offences Wing of Delhi Police has arrested three persons for allegedly siphoning off more than Rs 300 crore which they had taken as a loan from Yes Bank. The accused have been identified as Yateesh Wahaal, Satish Narula and Rahul Singh Yadav. A case was registered after a complainant registered his complaint against Nayati Healthcare and Research NCR Pvt Ltd, of which Yateesh and Satish were directors. As per police, the victim had 49% shares of a company named OSL Healthcare Pvt Ltd and the other two directors named Chandan Mishra and Charchit Mishra had the rest 51% share. OSL Healthcare Pvt Ltd aimed to build and run a hospital in Gurugram. “The company signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Vidyasagar Institute of Mental Health, Neuro & Allied Sciences (VIMHANS) for operating and managing VIMHANS’ IPD, OPD, Emergency and Diagnostic Services and VIMHANS providing its state of the art medical super speciality services for psychiatry and allied services to OSLHPL,” Delhi Police said in a release. The police said that the complainant was also promised a remuneration of Rs 30 lakh per month as his professional fees for his services. “But during the completion of the hospital, OSL Healthcare Pvt Ltd started facing financial issues which forced them to sell their 51% stock to Naarayani Investment Pvt Ltd., the holding company of M/s Nayati Healthcare & Research NCR Pvt Ltd at the consideration of Rs 99 crore,” read the release.
The complainant has alleged Nayati Healthcare & Research NCR Pvt Ltd took a loan of 312 crore from Yes Bank to develop the hospital but they misappropriated the money. “During the investigation, it was found that after receiving a loan, a sum of Rs 208 crore was transferred to a bank account in the name of Ahluwalia Construction. On verification of the said account, it was found that that the said account was opened by the accused named Rahul Singh Yadav only with a view to divert/siphon off the loan amount as it was a dummy account. Ahluwalia Construction, a renowned builder replied that it has worked at the site of the Gurugram Project and had received only Rs 10 crore from the alleged company. The project is still incomplete,” the police said.
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