In a devastating incident, a fire broke out at a hospital in Vivek Vihar, Delhi, claiming the lives of at least seven newborns. Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced an ex gratia of Rs 2 lakh from the Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund to the next of kin of each deceased in the fire tragedy, and Rs 50,000 to those injured. Expressing his grief, PM Modi stated, “The fire tragedy at a hospital in Delhi is heart-rending. My thoughts are with the bereaved families in this incredibly difficult time. I pray that those injured recover at the earliest.”
The National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) Chairperson Priyank Kanoongo confirmed that the Commission has taken cognizance of the fire tragedy. A team from NCPCR will visit the hospital to investigate the incident. The Delhi Fire Department’s Director, Atul Garg, revealed that the baby care center likely did not possess a No-Objection Certificate (NOC). The owner of the center, Naveen Kichi, is currently absconding, and an FIR under sections 336 and 304A has been registered against him.
Atul Garg explained the difficult circumstances of the rescue operation. “At 11:32 pm, we got a call that there was a fire in the baby care center. We sent seven fire tenders initially and five more afterward. We tried very hard and rescued 12 children. Unfortunately, six children died. It is a very sad incident,” he said. Garg added that the presence of oxygen cylinders led to a chain of blasts, complicating the firefighting efforts.
The fire tragedy has prompted responses from various leaders. President Droupadi Murmu extended her condolences, saying, “The news of the death of many children due to a fire in a hospital in Vivek Vihar, Delhi is heart-rending. May God give strength to the bereaved parents and relatives to bear this shock. I pray for the speedy recovery of other children injured in this incident.”
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal assured that strict action will be taken. “This incident of fire in a children’s hospital is heartbreaking. We all stand with those who lost their innocent children in this accident. Government and administration officials are busy providing treatment to the injured on the spot. The causes of the incident are being investigated and whoever is responsible for this negligence will not be spared,” he stated.
The fire tragedy in Delhi has highlighted the urgent need for strict safety protocols and regulations in healthcare facilities, especially those catering to vulnerable patients such as newborns.
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