The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Punjab said that Delhi Chief Minister and party’s National Convenor, Arvind Kejriwal will be on a two-day visit to Punjab from Tuesday. AAP Punjab affairs co-in charge and MLA from Delhi Raghav Chadha, while addressing the media at the party headquarters here on Monday shared that Arvind Kejriwal will reach Amritsar airport at around 3 pm on Tuesday and then at around 6 pm, he will go to Jalandhar’s famous Devi Talab temple to offer his prayers and pray for the happiness and prosperity of Punjab.
Senior leader of AAP and leader of opposition Harpal Singh Cheema and state general secretary Harchand Singh Barsat were also present on the occasion. Chadha informed that the religious belief of the devotees across the globe for Devi Talab temple located in Jalandhar on the Doaba land is well known.
“On the holy festival of Navratras, Arvind Kejriwal will pray for peace, love, mutual brotherhood and a prosperous Punjab in the Darbar,” said Chadha. Responding to the questions, he said that for now, the tour of Kejriwal has been confirmed for his temple visit only. Besides this, if any further programme of the Chief Minister is decided, then the information about the same will be shared with the media.
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