Chief Minister MK Stalin wrote to Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday, requesting an immediate interim relief fund of Rs 5060 crores, in the midst of the devastation caused by Cyclone Michaung in Tamil Nadu. Additionally, CM Stalin asked the PM to dispatch a central team to assess the harm the state’s Cyclone had caused. DMK MP TR Baalu will deliver the letter to PM Modi personally in Delhi. The chief minister of Tamil Nadu also visited the areas devastated by the cyclone on Wednesday morning. CM Stalin wrote on X late on Tuesday, stating that every government apparatus has been putting forth great effort to undo the damage caused by Cyclone Michaung.
“The entire government machinery, such as ministers, officials, police, sanitation workers, and corporation workers are working hard to quickly remove the effects of the Cyclone Michaung calamity that surrounds us. I request that many more comrades should immediately join hands with the relief work along with the members of the club who are helping in the field. Members of the affected areas come quickly!” CM Stalin said on X.
The India Meteorological Department said on Wednesday that Cyclone Michaung has weakened and is now a deep depression over central coastal Andhra Pradesh.
“Cyclonic Storm “MICHAUNG” weakened into a Deep Depression over Central Coastal AP. About 100 km north-northwest of Bapatla and 50 km southeast of Khammam. To weaken further into a Depression in next 06 hours and further into a WML during subsequent 06 hours,” the IMD said.
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