Bengaluru: Central Crime Branch (CCB) has arrested a 35-year-old man for alleged betting on India vs Australia final T20 match to be played on Sunday, police said. Raghavendra was arrested from Deepanjali Nagar, Bengaluru by a team of CCB for allegedly betting on the decider India vs Australia T20 match to be played in Hyderabad. According to police, 3.06 lakhs of cash and a mobile phone were seized from the accused possession. The third T20I stadium between India and Australia will take place in Rajiv Gandhi International Stadium, Hyderabad on 25 September. Earlier, on Thursday, four people got injured after a stampede broke out at Gymkhana grounds following a stampede which happened after a massive amount of cricket fans gathered to purchase tickets for the third T20I match between India and Australia. A huge crowd had come to the Gymkhana grounds to purchase tickets.
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