BJP State President and Chittorgarh MP C.P. Joshi met Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman in the Parliament building on Monday. During this, he had a detailed discussion on the problems and solutions related to farmers involved in opium cultivation. He also urged the Finance Minister to give all farmers who are deprived of opium licenses another opportunity for cultivation. All expired licenses should be reinstated, and farmers should be included in the new policy. During this, a Member of Parliament from Mandsaur, Sudhir Gupta, was also present.
Joshi, expressing gratitude to the Finance Minister, said, “The Modi government at the Center is actively engaged in policy-making every year for the benefit of farmers. In 2014, the number of opium licenses was only 18 thousand, and the then government had decided to stop opium cultivation. However, after the arrival of the Modi government, the Center understood the problems faced by opium farmers. Keeping the interests of the farmers in mind, they annually formulated policies, resulting in the number of opium licenses increasing to more than 1 lakh 8 thousand by this year.”
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