The prime accused in the Tunisha Sharma death case, Sheezan Khan, was granted bail on a Rs 1 lakh surety bond by a Vasai court on Saturday, 4 March. The court also asked Sheezan to submit his passport.
Notably, Khan was arrested in December 2022. Ever since, he has been in judicial custody. As per various reports, he is ex-boyfriend co-star of 21-year-old Tunisha. In February, the Waliv Police filed a 524-page charge-sheet in the Vasai Court, Maharashtra, against accused Sheezan Khan in connection with Tunisha’s death case.
Meanwhile, Sheezan’s family claimed that he had been falsely implicated in the case by the mother of the late actor. His family furthermore claimed that Tunisha was like a “family” to them.
Khan was reportedly dating Sharma, who was allegedly discovered hanging at a TV serial set on 24 December, 2022, a fortnight after the two reportedly broke up their months-long relationship.
Within hours of the actress’ demise, Khan, who worked with the 20-year-old actor in ‘Ali Baba Dastaan-E-Kabul’, was arrested on charges of abatement to suicide. Tunisha’s mother, Vanita, had alleged that Khan used to beat Tunisha and was forcing her to adopt Islam.
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