The Mulund police have initiated an FIR against an unidentified individual or group involved in the creation and distribution of 225 counterfeit passes for BJP MP Manoj Kotak’s Prerna Raas Garba 2023 event. These fake passes were subsequently sold to unsuspecting attendees at significantly reduced prices. The incident came to light when the crowd at Kalidas Ground on PK Road in Mulund West suddenly swelled, prompting event organizers to scrutinize the passes. Upon examining the QR codes, they discovered fake passes with a total value of Rs 4 lakh.
The event management team believes that an unidentified entity duplicated the original passes and introduced these counterfeit ones into circulation. Ajay Trivedi, the president of the Garba event, had enlisted Gargote’s event management company to provide various services, including setting up the stage, sound and lighting systems, and providing security, bouncers, canteen services, and gate staff responsible for pass verification.
Only 4,000 season passes and 1,000 daily passes were printed, each in distinct colors, with the former priced at Rs 1,800 and the latter at Rs 300. According to police officials, a pass-selling counter was set up outside the venue on October 12. However, it was during the Navratri festivities on October 15 at Kalidas Natyagruh temple ground on PK Road that a sudden surge in the crowd was observed, particularly on October 17-18.
Vishal Malhari Gargote, 32, the event manager and the complainant, explained, “The sudden increase in attendance on October 17-18 prompted us to initiate pass checks on October 19 using a QR code scanner. The management decided not to admit individuals with fake passes. On October 19, we identified fake passes with barcode numbers PR2023-0001 to PR2023-0070, and on October 20, more counterfeit passes were uncovered. In total, we discovered 225 fake passes with a combined value of Rs 4,05,000. We promptly reported the matter to the Mulund police, leading to the registration of the FIR.”
“We found that someone had duplicated the original passes and sold them at a reduced rate,” Gargote added. Senior Inspector Kantilal Kothimbare from Mulund police station stated, “We have registered an FIR against the unknown culprits for counterfeiting and selling passes. They have been charged under Indian Penal Code Sections 420, 465, 467, 468, and 471.”
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