A case of suicide by a constable has come to light in Bikaner, Rajasthan. The constable posted at Mukta Prasad Nagar police station in Bikaner hanged himself in the police booth in Karni Nagar. The news of the constable’s suicide has caused a stir in the police headquarters. Upon seeing him hanging from the noose, other police officers lowered him and took him to PBM Hospital, where doctors declared him dead.
The police informed the relatives and placed the deceased’s body in the hospital mortuary for post-mortem.
The police stated that the deceased constable, Asudan Ramawat Nokha, was a resident of Kakda village. He was recruited into the police in the year 2008 and was residing in Bikaner since then. Although Constable Asudan’s posting was at Mukta Prasad Nagar police station, he had been stationed at Karni Nagar police booth for a long time.
No suicide note has been found from the scene so far. Further investigation relating to the suicide is underway.
Senior police officials have also been informed about the incident. The police placed the constable’s body in the mortuary of PBM Hospital for post-mortem, and after the post-mortem, handed it over to the relatives.