According to sources within the Congress, the Screening Committee will meet on Tuesday to decide on the candidate list ahead of the elections for the Madhya Pradesh legislative assembly. AICC Incharge of MP Randeep Singh Surjewala, Screening Committee Chairman of MP Bhawar Jitendra Singh, Digvijaya Singh, and other senior leaders of the state Congress unit, along with other members of the Screening Committee and co-Incharges of AICC, will be present at the meeting, according to the party leaders. The meeting will take place at the Congress War Room in New Delhi.
“Congress Screening Committee for Madhya Pradesh to meet today in Delhi at 6 PM at Congress War Room,” Congress sources said.
With just two and half months to go for the polls, Congress has stepped up its electoral preparedness in the state.
The grand old party has also announced a slew of promises ahead of the election in the state. The party is seeking to return to power in the state.
Elections for the Madhya Pradesh assembly are expected to take place later this year. Last month, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) released its initial list of candidates for the state that will soon hold elections. Madhya Pradesh is one of the five states holding assembly elections later this year to choose 230 state representatives. The BJP is only still in control of one state, MP. With 114 seats in the 2018 Madhya Pradesh assembly elections, Congress won the most seats overall, followed by BJP with 109 seats.
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