Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde visited Breach Candy Hospital, Mumbai on Wednesday and met Nationalist Congress Party leader Dhananjay Munde who met with an accident on 4 January. Munde met with the accident on 4 January near Parli and was injured after which Munde was airlifted from Latur airport for the treatment of his injuries. In the previous Sena-NCP-Congress government, Munde was the minister for social justice.
The relationship between gut microbes, hormones, and dietary preferences is a fascinating area of study…
AI systems like ChatGPT have been linked to environmental concerns, with reports showing their significant…
Rabi Lamichhane, RSP chief and ex-home minister, secures bail in the Swarnalakshmi Cooperative fraud case…
Metformin, the widely prescribed drug for managing type 2 diabetes, has recently gained attention for…
California wildfires leave destruction in their wake, with Stanford experts warning of the underestimated dangers…
Report of Kenya's child abduction shows around 44 percent of child has been abducted between…