Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel on Thursday said that the state has taken great strides in developing a resilient, responsive, and vibrant economy over the past two decades. He added that the Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit was conceptualized in 2003 under the leadership of Narendra Modi, the then Chief Minister of Gujarat.
Addressing top industrialists at the curtain raiser of 10th Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit 2022 organized by the state government in Delhi, Patel apprised that the summit will be inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on January 10 in the august presence of Heads of States and senior dignitaries from other countries, Ministers from Government of India, Global CEOs, representatives from multilateral organizations and thought leaders.
Sharing the achievements of Gujarat in various sectors of socio-economic development, CM Patel asserted that Gujarat is the most preferred investment destination to do business with Indian and global conglomerates. He also narrated some remarkable achievements of Gujarat viz highest FDI equity inflow worth USD 21.9 billion during the FY 2021, top of the chart in the Logistics Ease across the Different States for three years – 2018, 2019 and 2021.
“Gujarat’s reputation as a business-friendly state across national and international geographies is driven by our robust industrial infrastructure. Its proactive policymaking, including ease of doing business, has made it the most preferred business destination of India and the world alike,” Patel said.
With talent, technology and transparency, Gujarat is rapidly transforming its capabilities and offering globally competitive opportunities for collaboration. There is a ‘new appetite’ to deepen engagement across sectors; fresh and traditional alike. Gujarat takes pride in its robust ecosystem, futuristic industries, infrastructure, and entrepreneurship potential, the Gujarat CM said.
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